May 19, 2024 – Why Now is the Perfect Time for a Reset

Hier geht’s zur deutschen Version

Hello everyone, ๐ŸŒž

Time is flying by, and we hope you’re enjoying the slowly approaching summer a bit. But are you really just caught in the daily grind? This rat race affects not only our daily life or job but especially when it comes to health. How often have I heard the phrase when I was with Emmy or Bugsy in the nursing home, “Oh, if I had only known sooner, then I would have done something for myself.”

From a Feeling of Immortality to the Reality of Aging

When we are 20, we feel immortal. At 30, we’re doing well; by 40, the first aches begin. By 50, many follow a daily regimen of medications, and at 60, it’s often said that one should just come to terms with the problems. By 70, many are glad if they can still get from A to B without a cane or walker, and by 80, many wish it would all just end. Not everyone feels this way, but many do.

Our Personal Health Journey

With my parents, I have experienced firsthand how quickly life can be dominated by medication intake and doctor visits. And of course, Frank and I also had our health challenges, which only began to change after we went beyond conventional medicine and opened ourselves up to alternatives that made sense to us.

What is Bio-Hacking?

These days, it’s called “Bio-Hacking.” It requires time to get informed and engage with one’s own health. It also means changing everyday life and often cherished habits. But once you get involved, the results can be overwhelming. ๐ŸŒฑ

A New Look at Old Problems

My last mammogram was unclear, and I had originally planned to clarify the findings with further tests, such as an ultrasound. But to my surprise, my appointment here in Nova Scotia was simply canceled on the grounds that the findings were not clear and, if it was something serious, it would still be there next year. You gotta love the Nova Scotian health care system โ˜น๏ธ!!! I have a family history and am therefore particularly keen to always be well informed. That’s why I have decided to take action myself. Next week, I’m flying to Germany to undergo further examinations. โœˆ๏ธ

The Reset Button

But it’s not just about the breast… I’m planning a “reset.” The examinations will also include a so-called Inuspherese โ€“ an advanced “blood filter.” This can reduce the risk of chronic diseases and is recommended for conditions such as arthritis, autoimmune diseases, and neurodegenerative diseases only to name a few. And if men now say, “Sure, that’s a woman’s thing”… Frank will also be getting the “oil change”! It makes total sense for him, with all the oils, cleaners, fuels, etc., he has come into contact with over the past decades. ๐Ÿ”ง

Naturally, experiencing nature around us is also a part of our “reset,” and we can share that with you right away. ๐ŸŒฟ

I’m not sure when I’ll put out the next blog, but what’s going on in the coming weeks, I will share on Facebook and Instagram. So if you’re interested, feel free to check it out.

As always, we thank you for taking the time to stop by, and maybe there was something of interest for you too. ๐Ÿ˜Š

Deutsche Version

19. Mai 2024 – Warum jetzt der perfekte Zeitpunkt fรผr einen Reset ist

Hallo zusammen, ๐ŸŒž

Die Zeit fliegt nur so dahin, und wir hoffen, dass ihr den langsam beginnenden Sommer auch ein wenig genieรŸen kรถnnt. Doch seid ihr wirklich nur im tรคglichen Hamsterrad gefangen? Dieses Hamsterrad betrifft nicht nur unseren Alltag oder Job, sondern besonders, wenn es um die Gesundheit geht. Wie oft habe ich, wenn ich mit Emmy oder Bugsy im Seniorenheim war, den Satz gehรถrt: โ€žAch, wenn ich das doch nur frรผher gewusst hรคtte, dann hรคtte ich etwas fรผr mich getan.โ€œ

Vom Unsterblichkeitsgefรผhl zur Realitรคt des Alterns

Wenn wir 20 sind, fรผhlen wir uns unsterblich. Mit 30 gehtโ€™s uns gut, mit 40 fangen die ersten Wehwechen an. Mit 50 folgt ein tรคgliches Medikamentenregime, und ab 60 heiรŸt es oft, man solle sich mit den Problemen abfinden. Ab 70 sind viele froh, noch ohne Stock oder Rollator von A nach B zu kommen, und ab 80 wรผnschen sich viele ein Ende. Nicht allen geht es so, aber vielen.

Unsere persรถnliche Gesundheitsreisee

Ich habe selbst bei meinen Eltern erlebt, wie schnell das Leben von Tabletteneinnahmen und Arztbesuchen bestimmt werden kann. Und natรผrlich hatten Frank und ich auch unsere gesundheitlichen Herausforderungen, die sich erst zu รคndern anfingen, nachdem wir uns รผber die Schulmedizin hinaus informierten und uns Alternativen รถffneten, die fรผr uns Sinn machten.

Was ist Bio-Hacking?

Heutzutage nennt man das โ€žBio-Hackingโ€œ. Es erfordert Zeit, sich zu informieren und mit der eigenen Gesundheit auseinanderzusetzen. Es bedeutet auch eine Umstellung der Lebensumstรคnde und oft liebgewonnenen Gewohnheiten. Doch wenn man sich einmal darauf einlรคsst, kann das Ergebnis รผberwรคltigend sein. ๐ŸŒฑ

Ein neuer Blick auf alte Probleme

Meine letzte Mammografie war auffaellig, und ich hatte ursprรผnglich geplant, den Befund mit weiteren Tests, wie einer Sonografie, abzuklรคren. Doch zu meiner รœberraschung wurde mein Termin hier in Nova Scotia einfach storniert mit der Begruedung, dass die Auffaelligkeit nicht eindeutig waere und, wenn es etwas Schlimmes sein sollte, es im naechsten Jahr auch noch da waere. Ohne Worte!!!. Ich habe eine familiรคre Vorbelastung und bin daher besonders darauf bedacht, immer gut informiert zu sein. Deshalb habe ich mich entschlossen, selbst aktiv zu werden. Nรคchste Woche fliege ich nach Deutschland, um weitere Untersuchungen durchfรผhren zu lassen. โœˆ๏ธ

Der Reset-Knopf

Aber es wird nicht nur um die Brust gehen … ich plane einen โ€žResetโ€œ. Zu den Untersuchungen gehรถrt auch eine sogenannte Inuspherese โ€“ ein fortschrittlicher โ€žBlutfilterโ€œ. Dies kann das Risiko fรผr chronische Erkrankungen verringern und wird bei Arthrose, Autoimmunerkrankungen und neurodegenerativen Erkrankungen empfohlen. Und falls die Mรคnner jetzt sagen: โ€žKlar, das ist Frauensacheโ€œ … Frank wird auch den โ€žร–lwechselโ€œ machen lassen! Fรผr ihn macht das total Sinn, bei den vielen ร–len, Reinigern, Kraftstoffen etc., etc., etc., mit denen er in Kontakt gekommen ist. ๐Ÿ”ง

Das Wahrnehmen der Natur um uns herum ist natรผrlich ebenso ein Teil unseres โ€žResetsโ€œ und daran kรถnnen wir euch sofort teilhaben lassen. ๐ŸŒฟ

Ich weiรŸ nicht, wann ich den nรคchsten Blog rausbringen werde, aber was so in den kommenden Wochen los sein wird, werde ich auf Facebook und Instagram teilen. Wer also Interesse hat, kann dort gern vorbeischauen.

Wie immer danken wir euch fรผr eure Zeit, hier vorbeizuschauen, und vielleicht war ja auch etwas von Interesse fรผr euch dabei. ๐Ÿ˜Š

7 thoughts on “May 19, 2024 – Why Now is the Perfect Time for a Reset

  1. enm1967 May 18, 2024 / 7:20 pm

    hi well as usual you have a lot good ideas.good luck on your upcoming medical a excellent as usual.

    Liked by 1 person

    • restless-roots May 19, 2024 / 9:05 am

      Thank you so much for your kind words! I hope the two of you are doing well and wish you guys a wonderful weekend ๐Ÿ™‚ Take care and stay safe!!


  2. Lynette d'Arty-Cross May 19, 2024 / 11:08 pm

    Theyโ€™re not checking further because your results were unclear?? Thatโ€™s utter nonsense and totally irresponsible. I have never heard of such a thing! Youโ€™re completely right to go to Germany for further tests, but the point is that you shouldnโ€™t have to. I hope all turns out well for you; good luck.

    Liked by 1 person

    • restless-roots May 22, 2024 / 9:07 am

      Dear Lynette,
      thanks so much for your kind, emphatic words! Yes, here in Nova Scotia health care is at a level which is often hard to understand. It’s not that we don’t have some dedicated doctors, but the system is broke and they try to deal with it … each and every of them in their own way. Often not in the best interest of the patient.
      I’m just happy that I’m in a position to have an alternative and feel bad for people who don’t.
      I hope all is well with you?
      Wishing you only the best and nothing but health and happines ๐Ÿ™‚

      Liked by 1 person

      • Lynette d'Arty-Cross May 22, 2024 / 11:10 am

        Thank you very much and youโ€™re very welcome. It sounds like NS heath care is in a terrible state; something that shouldnโ€™t be happening there or in this country at all.

        I am well and wish you good health also.

        Liked by 1 person

  3. ourlittleredhouseblog June 1, 2024 / 12:43 am

    So glad I stopped by for a visit. You will be in my prayers, and thoughts while you get your new results. I can’t believe what is happening in health care now days, even here in America we have some crazy things happening, but there are some great doctors out there. Safe travels and healthy outcomes too. BIG Hugs to you all. And please get better soon. I know you will have some beautiful photos to share from your trip to Germany. You always make the world look beautiful through your photos.

    Liked by 1 person

    • restless-roots June 17, 2024 / 2:20 pm

      Finally I have the time to get back to you!
      Thanks so much for your lovely comments and I’m so happy the tornado skipped your city!! We get a lot of the toronados that travel up the coast and I still remember Fiona when I was alone here with the dog. Let’s just say experiences like that make you more cautious and better prepared than I even was before.

      I’m so happy that you’re getting to enjoy your new surroundings and also will finally experience all 4 seasons!! That must be unsual!!

      Also thanks for your “get well” wishes, but although the main reason for the trip was health and business related, the health part was mostly preventative care I wanted to give myself.

      When you mentioned the photos I just realized that I actually don’t have any from there! It was all just so fast paced and as said health and business related that there wasn’t a lot of interesting things to take photos of.

      But now that I’m back home, well, nature never disappoints and I’m certain I’ll get a couple of nices ones “whipped up” for the next blog.

      Well my friend, I wish you nothing but the best, stay strong and healthy and hugs to you and your loved ones.


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